2013-05-29提问者: |

悬赏分:30 | 浏览次数:
| 二级
nw_it_sparscr603 Acid Fog
x1_it_sparscr002 Acid Splash
x2_it_spdvscr201 Aid
x1_it_sparscr102 Amplify
nw_it_sparscr509 Animate Dead
n2_it_sparscr001 Assay Resistance
x1_it_spdvscr204 Aura Of Glory
x1_it_spdvscr701 Aura Of Vitality
x2_it_spdvscr804 Aura Versus Alignment
x2_it_spdvscr508 Awaken
x1_it_sparscr201 Balagarn’s Iron Horn
x1_it_spdvscr101 Bane
x1_it_spdvscr601 Banishment
x2_it_spdvscr202 Bark skin
x2_it_spdvscr501 Battle tide
n2_it_sparscr002 Bears Endurance
nw_it_sparscr414 Bestow Curse
x1_it_sparscr801 Bigby’s Clenched Fist
x1_it_sparscr901 Bigby’s Crushing Hand
x1_it_sparscr602 Bigby’s Forceful Hand
x1_it_sparscr701 Bigby’s Grasping Hand
x1_it_sparscr502 Bigby’s Interposing Hand
x2_it_sparscr801 Black staff
x2_it_spdvscr603 Blade Barrier
x2_it_spdvscr103 Bless
x2_it_spdvscr102 Bless Weapon
nw_it_sparscr211 Blindness And Deafness
nw_it_sparscr807 Blindness And Deafness Mass
n2_it_sparscr003 Blind sight
x1_it_spdvscr803 Bombardment
nw_it_sparscr212 Bulls Strength
nw_it_sparscr112 Burning Hands
x2_it_spdvscr307 Call Lightning
x1_it_spdvscr107 Camouflage
x1_it_spdvscr402 Camouflage Mass
nw_it_sparscr213 Cats Grace
n2_it_sparscr004 Cause Fear
nw_it_sparscr607 Chain Lightning
nw_it_sparscr405 Charm Monster
nw_it_sparscr806 Charm Monster Mass
nw_it_sparscr107 Charm Person
nw_it_sparscr610 Circle Of Death
nw_it_sparscr307 Clairaudience And Clairvoyance
x2_it_sparscr206 Cloud Of Bewilderment
nw_it_sparscr502 Cloud kill
nw_it_sparscr110 Color Spray
x2_it_sparscr201 Combust
nw_it_sparscr406 Confusion
nw_it_sparscr411 Contagion
nw_it_sparscr707 Control Undead
x1_it_spdvscr804 Create Greater Undead
x1_it_spdvscr605 Create Undead
x1_it_spdvscr702 Creeping Doom
x2_it_spdvscr601 Crumble
n2_it_sparscr006 Crushing Despair
x2_it_spdvscr402 Cure Critical Wounds
n2_it_spdvscr001 Cure Critical Wounds Mass
x2_it_spdvscr308 Cure Serious Wounds
n2_it_spdvscr003 Cure Serious Wounds Mass
x2_it_spdvscr505 Cure Light Wounds Mass
x2_it_spdvscr104 Cure Light Wounds
x2_it_spdvscr203 Cure Moderate Wounds
n2_it_spdvscr002 Cure Moderate Wounds Mass
nw_it_spdvscr206 Darkness
x2_it_sparscr202 Death Armor
n2_it_spdvscr004 Death Knell
x2_it_spdvscr403 Death Ward
n2_it_sparscr007 Deep Slumber
nw_it_sparscr704 Delayed Blast Fireball
n2_it_spdvscr006 Detect Undead
x1_it_sparscr601 Dirge
nw_it_sparscr301 Dispel Magic
x1_it_sparscr301 Displacement
n2_it_sparscr008 Disintegrate
nw_it_sparscr501 Dismissal
nw_it_sparscr602 Dispel Magic Greater
nw_it_sparscr218 Dispel Magic Lesser
x1_it_spdvscr102 Divine Favor
x2_it_spdvscr404 Divine Power
x2_it_spdvscr309 Dominate Animal
nw_it_sparscr905 Dominate Monster
nw_it_sparscr503 Dominate Person
x1_it_spdvscr703 Destruction
x2_it_spdvscr105 Doom
x1_it_spdvscr604 Drown
nw_it_sparscr219 Eagles Splendor
x1_it_spdvscr801 Earthquake
nw_it_sparscr416 Elemental Shield
x2_it_spdvscr901 Elemental Swarm
nw_it_sparscr101 Endure Elements
nw_it_sparscr908 Energy Drain
n2_it_spdvscr007 Energy Immunity
nw_it_sparscr412 Enervation
n2_it_sparscr009 Enlarge Person
x2_it_spdvscr106 Entangle
x1_it_spdvscr103 Entropic Shield
n2_it_sparscr036 Etherealness
n2_it_spdvscr008 Ethereal Jaunt
nw_it_sparscr608 Ethereal Visage
nw_it_sparscr418 Evard’s Black Tentacles
x1_it_sparscr101 Expeditious Retreat
n2_it_sparscr010 False Life
nw_it_sparscr413 Fear
nw_it_sparscr504 Feeble mind
x2_it_sparscr305 Find Traps
nw_it_sparscr708 Finger Of Death
nw_it_sparscr309 Fireball
x1_it_sparscr501 Firebrand
n2_it_sparscr011 Fireburst
n2_it_sparscr012 Fireburst Greater
x1_it_spdvscr704 Firestorm
nw_it_sparscr304 Flame Arrow
x1_it_spdvscr403 Flame Strike
x2_it_sparscr205 Flame Weapon
x1_it_sparscr605 Flesh To Stone
nw_it_sparscr220 Fox Cunning
x2_it_spdvscr405 Freedom Of Movement
nw_it_sparscr902 Gate
x2_it_sparscr203 Gedlees Electric Loop
nw_it_sparscr208 Ghostly Visage
nw_it_sparscr209 Ghoul Touch
nw_it_sparscr601 Globe Of Invulnerability
x2_it_spdvscr306 Glyph Of Warding
n2_it_sparscr013 Globe Of Invulnerability Lesser
nw_it_sparscr103 Grease
x1_it_sparscr303 Gusto Wind
x2_it_spdvscr406 Hammer Of The Gods
x2_it_spdvscr604 Harm
nw_it_sparscr312 Haste
x2_it_spdvscr605 Heal
x2_it_spdvscr801 Heal Mass
n2_it_sparscr014 Heroism
n2_it_sparscr015 Heroism Greater
x2_it_spdvscr204 Hold Animal
nw_it_sparscr505 Hold Monster
n2_it_sparscr016 Hold Monster Mass
nw_it_sparscr308 Hold Person
n2_it_sparscr017 Hold Person Mass
x2_it_spdvscr401 Holy Sword
nw_it_sparscr809 Horrid Wilting
x2_it_sparscr401 Ice Storm
nw_it_sparscr804 Incendiary Cloud
nw_it_sparscr106 Identify
x2_it_spdvscr902 Implosion
x1_it_spdvscr501 Inferno
x2_it_spdvscr301 Infestation Of Maggots
x1_it_spdvscr401 Inflict Critical Wounds
n2_it_spdvscr009 Inflict Critical Wounds Mass
x1_it_spdvscr104 Inflict Light Wounds
x2_it_spdvscr504 Inflict Light Wounds Mass
x1_it_spdvscr201 Inflict Moderate Wounds
n2_it_spdvscr010 Inflict Moderate Wounds Mass
x1_it_spdvscr302 Inflict Serious Wounds
n2_it_spdvscr011 Inflict Serious Wounds Mass
nw_it_sparscr207 Invisibility
nw_it_sparscr408 Invisibility Greater
x2_it_spdvscr310 Invisibility Purge
nw_it_sparscr314 Invisibility Sphere
n2_it_sparscr018 Iron Body
x1_it_sparscr401 Isaacs Lesser Missile Storm
x1_it_sparscr603 Isaacs Greater Missile Storm
n2_it_sparscr019 Joyful Noise
x2_it_sparscr303 Keen Edge
nw_it_sparscr216 Knock
x2_it_sparscr602 Legend Lore
n2_it_sparscr020 Least Spell Mantle
nw_it_sparscr310 Lightning Bolt
n2_it_sparscr021 Low-Light Vision